Zegota - $59.95

$59.95 That's what it goes for in the stores
All you're paying for is corporate whores
And all they want is more!
Money is success, success is happiness, happiness is perspective
This perspective needs not their product!
Believed in billboards all our live
Believed in status all this time Advertise, producing lies! Bring forth from consume Bring forth from the rule Consideration...
What's motivation? We won't pay
Don't fucking pay Refuse to finance cutthroat Refuse to finance!
Never pay
Don't fucking pay Refuse to finance cutthroat
Refuse to finance!
We are all just sick in the head
Because of the way we've been bred Their prime time programming fucked us up! T
hey inoculate us in subtle ways
To immunize us from what our conscience says
Can't you see to them we're nothing but a dollar!
Don't be fooled by what you think you see That blessed is he who owns a color TV They tell lies!